July 27, 2017 | Blog

Learn more about using OSCAR for Field Testing and Range Finding!

OSCAR is the perfect tool to make field-testing and range-finding affordable, reliable and efficient.


Field Testing and Range Finding Made Easy!

OSCAR is perfect for large high-stakes summative assignments, but it can also be used for projects of any size!

“OSCAR is the perfect tool to make field-testing and range-finding affordable, reliable and efficient” – Daisy Vickers, Scoring Expert

Scoring projects can be setup in OSCAR and ready to score within minutes!


Step 1 – Create Your Rubric
  • Holistic or Multi-trait Rubrics
  • Trait-Level Condition Codes
  • Collect Rater Input & Feedback
Step 2 – Configure Your Item
  • Optional Training, Practice and Qualification
  • Flexible Routing Rules with Weighted Trait Scoring
  • Integrated Rater Resource Material
Step 3 – Load Student Responses
  • Image, Text and PDF Response formats
  • Audio and Video Response formats
  • TEI Responses (API integration available)
Step 4 – Assign Your Scorers
  • Scoring Teams
  • Assign Raters to specific items
  • Distributed or Onsite scoring
Step 5 – Monitor Quality and Progress
  • Monitor IRR, Frequency Distribution, Validity, and Rate
  • Real-time calibration to correct scorer drift
  • Monitor Item & Project Progress and Rate


Download the PDF here.
