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ATP 2020 – Going Virtual

ATP 2020 – Going Virtual

We're excited to be attending one of the most talked-about assessment conferences of the year next week - that's right, we’re talking about ATP Going Global, and this year we’re a proud Gold sponsor! The conference landscape has definitely been affected due to...

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Exploring ADAM: Performance Assessment in the Digital Age

Exploring ADAM: Performance Assessment in the Digital Age

In this series, we’re going to take a closer look at each individual product in our lineup. This week, we’re exploring ADAM. Paper performance assessments have always been time-consuming to produce and expensive to mark. Educators know this intuitively by all the...

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Exploring OSCAR: your rapid scoring solution

Exploring OSCAR: your rapid scoring solution

In this series, we’re going to take a closer look at each individual product in our lineup, starting with OSCAR.  When we first started MZD, we wanted to create a platform that would dramatically reduce the time organizations require to score authentic assessments. It...

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Partners in Performance Assessment

Partners in Performance Assessment

Is MZD the Missing Link in Your Performance Assessment Solution? While many companies have been hard at work for years solving challenges related to technology enhanced items, the same level of effort and development has not been invested into efficient mechanisms for...

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How OSCAR Classroom Fits In

How OSCAR Classroom Fits In

Kim Bolz-Andolshek has been involved in public education for over 16 years. She has been elected 4 times to her local school board...

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The Value of Second Scoring

The Value of Second Scoring

Jeff Cuff has worked in the EdTech space for the last 15 years. For 10 of those years he lead efforts at the College Board, to...

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